Mission / Vision Statement

Mission Statement: Inspiring all learners to achieve future success
Student Achievement / Engagement
We expect students to achieve academic standards by providing a variety of educational and co-/extra-curricular opportunities that are equitable and engaging while addressing diverse student needs.
We ensure that all students and staff understand learning standards and engaged in sequential, clearly defined curricula that are consistently delivered and regularly monitored from grade to grade. Progress monitoring must impact individual student's achievement and include appropriate intervention. A variety of developmentally appropriate co- and extra-curricular opportunities must be offered pre-K-12.
We use technology to improve student achievement and to facilitate learning how to learn.
We use data and research to drive decisions about curricula, professional development, educational programs, instruction, and assessment. We support integration of technology into curricula, professional development, educational programs, instruction, and assessment to impact digital literacy of students and staff.
We create a safe environment for learning that is supportive, respectful, inclusive, nurturing and non-judgmental.
We ensure that all students have access to a caring adult within their school. We provide a coordinated school health plan to support healthy behaviors. We develop peer leadership to increase social responsibility and to promote student safety.
We ensure that the physical plant affordable and sustainably supports equity and safety across schools in RSU 4.
We ensure that safety plans and procedures are in place. We develop comprehensive long-range facility plans to address energy efficiency, employ current technology, manage fiscal efficiency and safety of structures.
We actively build a collaborative partnership with families and the community to carry our shared responsibility for our children's education.
We provide family and community involvement opportunities. We value and create opportunities for student service. We promote the development of a unified culture for the RSU4 community.
Approved by RSU #4 School Board: April 14, 2010