FY26 Budget Development Information
Welcome to the RSU 4 Budget page! Thank you for taking the time to review the materials provided to the Board as the Board deliberates on the Superintendent's proposed budget for the 2025-2026 school year (FY26).
The Board Meeting Presentations cover the material reviewed by the board in their workshops or regular meetings. The presentations highlight important FY26 budget information, including notable changes to each Cost Center and descriptive information from Principals and Directors on actuals and budget requests.
Cost Centers are defined by Maine Department of Education and expenditures are assigned to the appropriate Cost Center based on the Maine DOE accounting handbook. When residents vote at the Public Budget meeting on the Articles for the Public Budget Meeting (May 14, 2025 tentatively) the Articles align with each Cost Center. For example, Cost Center 1 is Article 1.
The Proposed Budget Reports will be shared on this page after they have been shared with the Board of Directors in February 2025. The reports will include line by line budget expenditures for each Cost Center along with previous years' budget and actual amounts.
If there is a particular question about the information that you are reading, please fill out the Google Form under the Frequency Asked Question section of this page.
Again, thank you for taking the time to become informed about the proposed budget and for participating in budget process.

Budget Meeting Information:
Budget Meetings & Materials:
NOV 20, 2024:
Board Meeting Presentation (updated with Board input from meeting)
FEB 26, 2025:
MAR 5, 2025:
MAR 19, 2025:
Board Meeting YouTube Livestream Video (Budget Meeting Begins at 1:34)

Frequently Asked Questions
Google Form ~ please ask your questions here
ESSER Federal Emergency Relief Funding

Covid-19 Relief Funds for RSU #4
Final Covid-19 Return to School Plan (Returned to Regular School Operations beginning SY2022-2023)