Moment of Silence on October 25, 2024

October 24, 2024

Dear RSU 4 Families and Staff, 

In remembrance of those who tragically lost their lives last year on October 25th and to honor those who are first responders working hard to keep our communities safe, the District will hold a moment of silence tomorrow following the Pledge of Allegiance. Here is the message that will be read at each school tomorrow morning.

“Following the Pledge of Allegiance we will be having a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives during the tragedy that occurred and impacted our communities on October 25, 2023 and to honor those who work to keep our communities safe, the police, firefighters and medical staff. This is also a time for us to reflect on the importance of being kind and caring for one another.”

We recognize that tomorrow may be a very difficult day for many in our school community and beyond. Please know that if your student needs to be absent tomorrow, that absence will be excused. It is important to contact your students' schools to let them know that they will be absent. Also, please reach out to your students' school counselors, teachers and/or administrators, if your students or family may need support during this time. 

Kind regards, 
Katy Grondin