December 15, 2023
Mel Gagnon, OHHS Director of Guidance and Superintendent Grondin visited LRTC satellite programs today at the new ELHS.

December 14, 2023
Schools will be reviewing the PBIS Standard Operating Procedures with students. We are asking parents to review the code as well at home to ensure that everyone continues to be s...

December 14, 2023
Wade Johnston, Carrie Ricker’s Music Teacher, led 3rd and 4th grade students through a winter concert that filled the evening with songs and celebration.

December 13, 2023
Congrats to Rosalyn Cote who has been selected to represent RSU #4 and Androscoggin County on the Department of Education's Student Cabinet. She will hold this role for two years...

December 12, 2023
OHHS Students presented New Beginnings with over 260 socks at their last all-school assembly.

December 7, 2023
SPS students showing acts of kindness this month.

November 9, 2023
Please use this LINK for more information and to apply to be part of the Consolidation Subcommittee: https://shorturl.at/coxV4

November 3, 2023
Click HERE to read the entire newsletter.
If the above link does not work, try this Smore link: https://www.smore.com/y9s01
Thank you!
First and foremost, I want t...

October 27, 2023
Active Shooter Reopening Communications